Grain Management

Grain Bin Management Solutions

Measure, Control, Predict and Protect 

Our mission is to make grain management more efficient and to keep the grain in a high quality and healthy condition. It is estimated that one-third of all harvested grain is lost before consumption or sale due to quality defects. This is primarily due to difficulties during storage. After harvest, grain continues to ripen in storage. It breathes, expels moisture, and thermal energy is released. All these factors favor insect nesting and mold growth.

Ergson Grain Bin Management System is essential to allow long-term storage without loss of quality and to keep the grain in a healthy condition. Our electronic grain bin monitoring system enables you to have total control of your grain storage.

Monitoring temperature, moisture, CO2 and inventory is of great importance in order to make an exact statement about the grain condition. This makes it possible to initiate preventive measures at the right time. 

The use of Ergson automated grain solutions offers great advantages in terms of economy, health and environmental protection. Less waste is produced, use of chemicals is prevented and energy is saved through smart automation systems. This surely plays an important role in adding a great value for the supply of healthy grain to the world.

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Automated Grain Storage

Full and automated control of your storage.
grain crop components
  • Engineering in High Quality Design

    We research, develop and design from the product idea to the endproduct. We believe in creating products in high quality design.

  • Customized Solutions

    Customers are offered a complete Grain Management System tailored to their individual needs. The system is available for various silo types and sizes and can be used in all climatic regions worldwide.

  • Automated Control

    Fans, dryers, coolers, conveyors, switches, scales, loading and unloading operations can all be logically linked and managed. This enables a high level of grain quality protection.

  • Low Maintenance and Time

    Grain Management is fast and effective. Our Grain Management monitoring system is reliable, robust and durable with low maintenance and installation effort. Installation is simple and the maintenance process does not take up much time.

Grain Management Systems - The Art of keeping your grain cool.

We improve the silo plant operation with our intelligent sensor and control technologies both in- and outside the storage bin. With Ergson GrainManager Web you can access your silo data from anywhere via the internet. Our advanced grain management system is designed with electronic and mechanical devices and helps you make the right decisions.

Cables and Accessories

A direct and reliable method of measuring the temperature inside the stored batch of grain is by using temperature cables. The temperature and humidity cables are mounted on the rooftop of the silo via a junction box. They are suspended vertically into the silo in regular intervals.

Electronic Units

We optimize the process flow of the grain storage with our advanced automated technologies for grain handling. All sensors provide highly accurate measurements. Each sensor is individually polled for its measured values. The digital sensors communicate with the Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) via a 1-Wire network.