GrainManager Web
GrainManager Web
High-tech Grain Management of one or Multiple Silo Sites from Your Webbrowser.
With Ergson’s GrainManager Web you can access your silo data from anywhere via the internet.
The data is displayed in any internet browser (Mozilla, Chrome, etc.) at the front-end. In the back-end there is a central web server which collects the data from one or also from multiple silo facilities.
The central server is provided and managed by Ergson (a customer provided infrastructure/server is also possible).
Temperature Monitoring
Moisture Monitoring
Level Monitoring
CO2 Monitoring
Fan Control
Weather Station
Software Functions:
- Visualizing/displaying data for each sensor (front-end)
- Temperature + date and time of sample
- Minimum (for day and week, or custom time frame)
- Maximum (for day and week, or custom time frame)
- Trend (for day and week, or custom time frame)
- Average (for day and week, or custom time frame)
- Alarms
- Covered area, product levels
- Visualizing/displaying data for each silo/cable (front end):
- Filling
- Material
- Customer
- Covered sensors
- Set/add/change alarms/fillings/customers/materials (optional / read-only mode possible)
- Request historical data from GrainManager for charts, report, alarmjournal (front-end/browser, back-end/server, GrainManagerDesktop/Base)
- Multiple users
- Multilanguage